Attention: Listed price is for the retail purpose, we will confirm the payment amount after you complete the order.
Green Tea Powder (Matcha Powder )抹茶牛奶粉
Sesame Powder 芝麻粉
Guava Powder 芭樂粉
Green Apple Powder 青蘋果粉
Red Bean Powder 紅豆沙粉
Malt Powder 胚芽粉
Vanilla Powder 香草粉
Banana Powder 香蕉粉
Lychee Powder 荔枝粉
Cantaloupe Powder 黃蜜瓜粉
Durian Powder 榴槤粉
Pineapple Powder 鳳梨粉
Mocha Coffee Powder 摩卡咖啡粉
Raseberry Powder 覆盆子粉
White Chocolate 白巧克力粉
Mango Syrup with Pulps 果粒多芒果汁
Strawberry Syrup with Pulps 果粒多草莓汁
Blueberry Syrup with Pulps 果粒多藍莓汁
Kiwi Syrup with Pulps 果粒多奇異果汁
Fructose 果糖
Peach Popping Pearls 水蜜桃爆漿珍珠
Litchi Popping Pearls 荔枝爆漿珍珠
Mango Popping Pearls 芒果爆漿珍珠
Passion Fruit Popping Pearls 百香爆漿珍珠
Yogurt Popping Pearls 優格爆漿珍珠
Watermelon Popping Pearls 西瓜爆漿珍珠
Kiwi Popping Pearls 奇異果爆漿珍珠
Green Apple Popping Pearls 青蘋爆漿珍珠
Cantaloupe Popping Pearls 哈密瓜爆漿珍珠
Pomegranate Popping Pearls 紅石榴爆漿珍珠
Strawberry Popping Pearls 草莓爆漿珍珠
Pineapple Popping Pearls 鳳梨爆漿珍珠
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