Attention: Listed price is for the retail purpose, we will confirm the payment amount after you complete the order.
Mega Special Sale
Grass Jelly with Sweetened Red Bean 客家燒仙草 (Please store in cooler at 0-4°C)
Grass Jelly with Brown Sugar Syrup 黑糖仙草凍 (Please store in cooler at 0-4°C)
Grass Jelly with Mochi & Brown Sugar Syrup 黑糖麻糬仙草凍 (Please store in cooler at 0-4°C)
Fish Crisp with Shrimp 鱈魚鮮蝦脆片
New Products
Crystal Sugar Syrup 冰糖糖漿-New
Jasmine Green Tea 春拂綠茶 900 mL
Beef Flavor Ramen 牛肉味拉麵-new
Pork Flavor Ramen 肉燥味拉麵-new
Seafood Flavor Ramen 海鮮味拉麵-new
Mango Sauce 愛文芒果醬 (For Bubble Tea 做奶茶用)-New
Popo Selected Beans & Nuts 特選豆-New
Popo Pea Chips 魚肉豆餅-New
Popo Sweet & Spicy Pea Chips 甜辣豆餅-New
Fruity Gummy Assorted 綜合水果軟糖 980 g-New
Fruity Gummy Assorted 綜合水果軟糖 130 g-New
Fruity Gummy Mango 芒果軟糖 980 g-New
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