Attention: Listed price is for the retail purpose, we will confirm the payment amount after you complete the order.
Taro Crispy Cake 芋頭起酥蛋糕
Taro Essence 芋頭精
Taro Flavouring 甲仙芋頭醬
Taro Mochi 日式芋頭小丸子(麻糬)-New
Taro Pastry Filling 芋泥餡
Taro Pastry 芋頭酥
Taro Powder 芋頭沙粉
Taro Steam Bun 香芋饅頭
Tempura Shredded Squid -Cumin Flavor 天婦羅魷魚絲-孜然味 -NEW
Tempura Shredded Squid -Garlic and Butter Flavor 天婦羅魷魚絲-蒜香黃油味-NEW
Tempura Shredded Squid -Spicy Flavor 天婦羅魷魚絲-香辣味 -NEW
Tempura Shredded Squid -Wasabi and Seaweed Flavor 天婦羅魷魚絲-芥末海苔味-NEW
Ten Grain Rice 養生什榖米
Teriyaki Eel Sauce 烤鰻汁 12Btls
Thai Tea 泰式茶
Tofu Duck 五香素鴨
Tofu Puff 豆腐泡
Touched Mille Crepe Cake - Green Tea Cake 靜岡抹茶千層蛋糕
Touched Mille Crepe Cake -Milk Mango 芒果奶凍千層蛋糕
Touched Mille Crepe Cake -Strawberry 草莓甜心千層蛋糕
Touched Mille Crepe Cake-English Earl Grey 英式伯爵千層蛋糕
Touched Mille Crepe Cake-Milk Taro 奶芋千層蛋糕
Touched Redbean Milk Cake 紅豆牛奶千層蛋糕
Tradition Best Oolong Tea Bag 100b凍頂烏龍茶包
Tradition Ceylon Black Tea Bag 100b錫蘭紅茶包
Tradition Fresh Green Tea 原片鮮綠茶包
Tradition Green Tea 100b 鮮綠茶包
Tradition Green Tea Powder 世家綠茶粉
Tradition Jasmine Green Tea 100b茉香綠茶包
Transparent Shaker 530ml 透明搖茶杯
Transparent Shaker 700ml 透明搖茶杯
Tuna Flavor Egg Roll 鮪魚鬆蛋捲 -Special
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